Behind the scenes: meet the Code4SP consortium! Issue #3

What's your name and job title?

Constantina Stavrou, Project manager and Researcher

Tell us a few words about your background:

I am an Electrical Engineer with a direction of study in Power Systems. I have a master's degree in Advanced Manufacturing and monitoring energy delivery and energy production from the Universite Claude Bernard in Lyon, France. I worked as an automation engineer and as a project manager in Cyprus and in France. I am currently working as a project manager/researcher at C.I.P.'s STEM department, coordinating and implementing EU-funded Projects (KA3; KA2; ENI CBC MED) in the environmental and new technologies sectors

What organisation do you work for?

C.I.P Citizens in Power

What does your organisation do?

C.I.P. Citizens in Power (C.I.P.) is a non-profit, educational and research organization. C.I.P. constitutes one of the leading organizations in Cyprus in global education, social innovation, entrepreneurship, STEM and sustainable growth. Our team designs and implements cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary approaches to respond to fundamental social, educational and environmental challenges and policy gaps by employing technology transfer and operationalizing the research findings. Recognizing diversity as a congenital feature of modern societies, C.I.P. has been tirelessly inspiring and transforming communities by endowing young people and citizens with innovative tools and comprehensive solutions. To accomplish its vision, C.I.P. has established an ongoing collaboration with leading universities, N.G.O.s and civil society organizations of international outreach.

What is your role in the Code4SP project? What are you currently working on?

In the Code4SP project, I am a communication and dissemination leader. I am responsible for the strategic planning (methodology) regarding the dissemination of Code4SP results to both direct and indirect target groups and the project communications and further exploitation of the results.

Why is being part of the Code4SP project important to you?

Code4SP project is important to me because I believe that we need more I.T. experts. Many studies have shown that one of the largest skills gaps in the labour market is computing and digital technology. For this gap to be filled, Code4SP will allow many youngsters who belong to displaced populations (migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, minority populations) and youngsters who are generally at risk of socio-economic exclusion (dropouts, NEET, etc.) to gain essential skills in coding.  

How do you like to spend your free time?

I have 2 dogs, so I am spending my free time with them.