Anyone can learn anything!

CodeDoor wants to give everyone access to quality education. Our vision is a diverse, accessible labor market with a sufficiently skilled workforce, especially in the IT sector. But learning something new is always a challenge - especially for people who have never learned to learn!

That's why we offer an AI-powered web application that enables organizations to teach digital skills to youth and young adults from low socioeconomic backgrounds through project-based learning and individual mentoring.

How can we think of project-based learning using an AI?

What was futuristic in Star Trek (Captain Kirk exchanges ideas with intelligent computers until a solution emerges) is possible at our CodeDoor learning platform: learners can tailor a project for themselves and generate feedback on their ideas. Based on their existing knowledge, they build new ones - according to their own wishes. In doing so, they receive sound help from our AI.

This may sound surprising today, but logical and simple - and it is. However, this type of training is only possible due to the technical progress of recent years.

As early as the 1980s, educationalist Benjamin Bloom discovered that learners benefit from "mastery-based learning" (learning "knowledge packages" based on prior knowledge) and additional tutoring. In individual lessons with precisely tailored tasks and targeted support, a significantly higher increase in knowledge can be recorded than in classical learning situations.

For a long time, the consistent implementation of these findings seemed impossible, as it was neither financially nor personnel-wise feasible - mostly to the detriment of those who need individual support. Nevertheless, it was clear that such qualification processes, based on individual learning materials and tutoring, would represent a decisive enrichment of the educational landscape.

Learning made easy!

What was still a utopia 30 years ago has become reality today - thanks to technological progress: with the help of AI - and for the masses!

CodeDoor has been involved in the training of IT professionals for several years now and came to another realization: Those who develop an individual project while learning - based on their own previous knowledge and wishes - are more motivated and learn faster!

Imagine you need to learn more about space and weightlessness. At the same time you are a big sneaker fan. Wouldn't learning be much more exciting and at the same time easier if you could develop a shoe that is suitable for space? And now imagine you have access to a machine that gives you validated feedback on your ideas and new impetus for further research, from problem finding to prototyping!

This is how our learners make impressive progress. Successful alumni are launching careers they never dreamed of: an unqualified apprentice now heads the sales department of a German SME, a high school dropout works in the IT team of a major newspaper, and a refugee mother of three travels across Europe to implement new IT systems for her clients.

We love every single story and are more than proud to have been part of the motivational development of our learners.